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We want to ensure full transparency about our subscription policies at Psychvisit. Please take note of the following:
  1. Subscription Cancellation:
    Your subscription ends on the day you choose to cancel it. You will no longer have access to the services covered under the subscription from that point forward.

  2. Non-Reimbursable Subscriptions:
    Please be aware that our subscription fees are a clinic access fee, not a fee per visit. As such, these fees are not reimbursable by insurance.

  3. Subscriptions DO NOT Include Speciality Services (TMS, Spravato and Genetic Testing)

Concierge Psychiatry Subscription

Monthly Subscription Fee

USD $150

Suboxone Treatment Subscription

Opiate and Addiction Treatment Monthly Subscription

USD $200

TMS Subscription Weekly

Weekly Private Pay Plan: Includes 5 treatment sessions per week, spanning 6 payments. The plan will automatically cancel after completing a total of 36 sessions.

USD $750

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